Why Yancha
about Yancha

An Institution - A College

  • A college is an institution for Higher Studies where students specialise to pursue a subject of choice.
  • While Quality education is the endeavour of all colleges, this is also the time when the Young Adults needs to evolve into Responsible Adults.
  • The energy, effort, restlessness and anxiety needs to be channelized into developmental pursuits.

The Young Adult

As Morris Massey states these Young Adults are in the socialization period and Between the ages of 13 to 21, peers have the most influence. In this stage of development, the mind becomes more prominent and people begin to question their beliefs, values and behaviors. The mind becomes more skeptical, forming its own ideas about what is right and wrong. When developing our own unique way of seeing the world, we naturally gravitate toward individuals who share the same values as us. There is no question that social media plays a big part in today’s world, especially in terms of the values our peers embrace.

Sustained Behavioural Development

  • Colleges organize clubs and events to bring out the best in the students
  • However, these students need to develop themselves constantly to become a better version of themselves
  • There is a need for sustained behavioural development over these crucial years, over and above the rigorous academic routine they are subjected to

Peer Group Influence

  • Peer Group radically influences the thoughts of the students and they tend to:
    • Compete
    • Become overly opinionated
    • Experience heightened emotions
    • Feel insecure
  • In the absence of any understanding of the behavioural development going on within themselves, these young adults spend endless time on the social media, trying to seek answers
  • Some fall into the viscous cycle of incompetence and misdirected life.
  • In the absence of any behavioural development platform, these Young Adults are asked to ‘Man Up’, or ‘Provide for themselves.’

Hostels and Homes

  • Many of the college students move out to the hostels for the first time and are influenced the most by senior students
  • They are without their families and evolving rapidly in their choices
  • Those who stay in their homes also evolve new perspectives and explore more
  • They face reality and adversity much more than ever before

Newly Found Independence

  • This new found independence and growing up, needs them to push themselves to achieve greater challenges
  • Else they might get caught in the loop of incompetence, negativity and self-doubt

Yancha Teens

  • Yancha Teens is a behavioural development platform focusing on developing 21 behaviours in the young adults
  • These programs are delivered in a peer group discussion format in small groups, under the guidance of a Yancha Guide, thus helping the college students:
    • Face their fears and overcome them
    • Create their goals for future
    • Emotionally strong
    • Evolve to become responsible adults

Yancha @College


  • Yancha Teens Awareness
  • Yancha Career Choice (for those who are yet to find out their path)
  • Yancha Transformation Program – 21 sessions over 6 – 12 months